Central Air-Conditioning System Inspection
A building's central air-conditioning system must be periodically inspected and maintained in order to function properly. While an annual...

Check on Your HVAC Systems (Before They Check Out on You)
Have you ever woken up in the middle of a winter night, shivering under the blankets and able to see your breath? Or have you ever...

10 Easy Ways to Save Money & Energy in Your Home
Most people don’t know how easy it is to make their homes run on less energy, and here at InterNACHI, we want to change that. Drastic...

Understanding the Service Panel
Many homeowners who are unfamiliar with construction and wiring are timid when it comes to electrical work. It makes perfect sense to...

Pesticides are poisons designed to kill a variety of plants and animals, such as insects (insecticides), weeds (herbicides), and mold or...

Three Deadly Mistakes Every Home Buyer Should Avoid
Deadly Mistake #1: Thinking you can't afford it. Many people who thought that buying the home they wanted was simply out of their reach...

VA Loan Basics
A VA loan is a mortgage loan guaranteed by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Like FHA loans, VA loans are backed by the...

Ten Tips to Speed Up Your Home Inspection
Speed up your home sale by preparing your home ahead of time using the following tips. Your home inspection will go smoother, with fewer...

Electrical Safety
Electricity is an essential part of our lives. However, it has the potential to cause great harm. Electrical systems will function almost...

Biological Pollutants in the Home
Outdoor air pollution in cities is a major health problem. Much effort and money continue to be spent cleaning up pollution in the...